Chris Parr
Transportation Director

Mattoon CUSD2 Transportation
The Transportation department is an integral part of the school district as we transport 2500+ students to nine different locations in Mattoon school district on a daily basis for morning, noon, and afternoon routes to and from your children’s schools. We also provide transportation for all Mattoon students for extracurricular events on a daily basis throughout the day and late into the evening. We are dedicated to transporting your children in the safest, most efficient way possible. Our Drivers go through extensive training to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL), a school bus (SB) and passenger endorsements. They are required to reapply every year in order to keep their SB and Pass endorsements. Which requires them to take a physical exam, drug test, and classroom training to keep up their endorsements. We currently have a fleet of 33 buses which must go through an extensive state inspection every six months or 10,000 miles whichever comes first. Before they leave our bus lot on their routes, all buses must go through a pre-trip inspection performed by our drivers, where they must inspect 70+ items and they must pass before they can be driven. School buses truly are the safest mode of transportation for your students’ transportation to and from school. We look forward to providing transportation for your students. If at any time you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at our transportation office. Have a wonderful school year!
Chris Parr
Transportation Director
Contact Us

Gretchen Body
Transportation Secretary

Cheryl Wells
Transportation Secretary
Driving Success: Safe, Reliable, & Ready for Every Student's Journey