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Debra Davis
Athletic Secretary
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Mallory Decker
Mathematics Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Connor Doolen
English Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Elise Doran
Special Education Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Timothy Doran
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Trent Duckett
Athletic Director
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Carla Dufford
Registrar Secretary
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Deanna East
Science Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Tonya Eich
Ag Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Meghan Emmett
Disciplinary Secretary
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Mina Fairchild
Special Education Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Julie Fisher
Science Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Dana Freeman
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Jeremy Gibson
Social Science Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Bailie Golladay
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Troy Haacke
Vocational Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Mary Harlan
English Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Beth Hensley
ASL Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Lena Hilgenberg
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Liam Hortenstine
Math Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800