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William Manning
AER Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Mary Martin
(217) 238-5800
Sarah Matteson
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jimmy McKee
Social Studies Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Kimberly McQueen-Wilson
Ag Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jessica Meadows
PE Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Ingrid Minger
Media Specialist
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Kali Monroe
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jonah Moore
PE Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jason Morgan
Grade 8 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Shelby Morgason
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Brandi Oberhill
Grade 6 ELA Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jennifier Parker
Attendance Secretary
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Avery Pierce
Personal Paraprofessional
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Heather Piper
Special Education Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Brett Porter
PE Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jamie Princko
Grade 7 Math Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Phoinix Princko
FACS Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Kayla Quick
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Taylor Reynolds
Special Education Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800