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Jason Richardson
Grade 8 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jana Roberts
Guidance Counselor
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jennifer Saucier
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
James Sharp
Special Education (Resource) Teacher/Athletic Coordinator
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Tera Stewart
Assistant Principal
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Emily Strader
Bookkeeper Secretary
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Julia Thomas
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Holly Thompson
PE Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Dalton Turner
(217) 238-5800
Dalton Turner
Head Custodian
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Heather Uppencamp
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Claire Vogel
Building Instr Tech Coach
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Sonja Wattles
PE Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Melissa Wheeler
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Michelle Wilson
Grade 6 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Christopher Young
STEAM Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Sydney Zumbahlen
Band Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800