MMS student Levi Masulis is pictured with WCIA newscasters in the studio. They are standing behind a desk and the studio lights are on

In September, Mattoon Middle School student Levi Masulis had the exciting opportunity to be featured on local news channels WCIA and WAND.

Levi’s first stop was at WCIA on September 10, where he was the first student to be featured in the newly relaunched “Kidcaster” segment. During his visit, Levi toured the studios, met the staff, and shared his passion for weather live on air with WCIA meteorologist Jacob Dickey. He even had the chance to present the seven-day weather forecast!

You can watch Levi's live interview on WCIA here.

Children aged 8-12 with an interest in weather can still apply to become a Kidcaster. For details on how to apply, click here. Levi was able to put together his nomination video with help from his family and MMS Media Specialist Ingrid Minger.

On September 13, Levi was invited to WAND, where he was honored as the S.T.E.M Student of the Month. He met the staff, toured the studio, helped prepare the weather forecast, and was interviewed live about his interest in outer space and weather.

You can watch Levi's live interview on WAND here.

Levi’s grandpa nominated him for this recognition when he learned they were looking for kids with a passion for science and engineering.

Reflecting on his time at the stations, Levi said,  “Having the opportunity to do this was so fun! I am so grateful I was able to do this, and it makes me happy that I can make others smile and their day brighter!"

Levi has prior broadcasting experience, having started doing weather forecasts as an elementary student on the Williams Elementary morning news a couple of years ago. He thrived in this role and made it his own during his time there. He enjoyed it so much that, once he got to middle school, he continued presenting the weather for the MMS Wildcat News, where students look forward to watching his forecasts.

You can watch Levi's weather forecasts on the MMS Wildcat News here.