MMS Girls Basketball has tentatively set tryout dates and times for the upcoming fall girls basketball season.
As for all MMS Athletics, you must be registered in 8to18 and have a current physical on file with the Main Office prior to participating in any tryouts. If you have any questions, you may reach out to
7th Grade Tryouts (Open to 6th and 7th grade girls):
Wednesday, August 31st 3:45pm-5:30pm New Gym
Thursday, September 1st 6:30am-7:45am Old Gym
Friday, September 2nd 6:30am-7:45am New Gym
8th Grade Tryouts (Open to 8th grade girls):
Wednesday, August 31st 3:45pm-5:30pm Old Gym
Thursday, September 1st 6:30am-7:45am New Gym