Birth-3 Family Fun Night from 5-6 p.m. Sept. 29.
Join us for Family Strategies parenting class!
Join us for our Fall playgroup!
Franklin Preschool students participated in super friends training. To be a super friend you have listening ears, watching eyes, and safe bodies.
Birth-3 would like to thank Catholic Charities for the generous donation of diapers and backpacks full of school supplies.
Thank you to all of our sponsors and community members for supporting our Birth-3 block parties! Video:
On Aug. 3, all school issued Chromebooks will be cleared of current profiles. Read more in the graphic.
Introducing our newest member of the Birth-3 family, Billie Shumbarger. She is so precious and loves her #DIAPERS TO DIPLOMAS onesie. Welcome to the family Billie!
Birth-3's Family Night scheduled (tonight) July 28, 2021, has been canceled because of the heat advisory.
Join us August 5th!
Come join the fun at the Mattoon YMCA. Let's get those bodies moving. A personal trainer will be our guest speaker. We will be focusing on the importance of gross motor and fine motor skills.
What a fun day at the park with Birth-3. Today we worked on fine motor and gross motor skills. We had an obstacle course, lacing beads and lacing cards, story time and snacks. We love our Birth-3 families.
Play Group is THIS Thursday from 9-11 at Peterson Park. We will be having an obstacle course, popsicles, and a fun time meeting new families! Meet us under the pavilion. If it rains, we will do everything under the pavilion. Hope to see you there!
Interested in Franklin Preschool or would like to know how your child is developing? Please call us and schedule an appointment at one of our screening dates.
Everyone welcome the newest member of the Birth-3 family
Ethan Teagan Cloug, born June 10. Welcome to the family Ethan.
Interested in learning about water safety? Join us June 16th!
Join us for a pool party TONIGHT!
Birth to 3 kicked off summer with an awesome playgroup! It was a great day to play in the water and make Father's Day cards for all of the amazing dad's in our program. Thank you to everyone who came out to see us! We love seeing our families!
Join us for a play day at the park on June 3rd from 9-11 a.m.
"FREE FAMILY FUN Thursday at 5:30 p.m. on Franklin Preschool Lawn! Jim Gill in concert! Bring blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy an interactive concert with your kiddos. Open to the public!"