e-Learning day. LIFT Students need to: 1 complete the e-Learning  attendance form during your regular scheduled session. Found in schoology coures "e-learning" folders and students bookmarks. 2. Login to Schoology & complete assignments for the day. Each class has an e-Learning folder with instructions/assignments. LIFT link: bit.ly/LIFTelearning *links are case-sensitive, forms open at 8 am for the day and close at 2 pm

Today, the LIFT building began experiencing issues with our HVAC and we found that the evaporator on the LIFT chiller is unable to maintain cooler temperatures. Our maintenance team is working to resolve the issue. 

Due to the extreme heat and the issues we are experiencing, we have made the decision to utilize an e-Learning day for LIFT students for Friday, August 30, 2024. This is for LIFT only. To our knowledge, all other home district classes will be in session. The Little Leaders Daycare will be closed.

Families have been sent additional information regarding the e-Learning workday via email.