Green and white graphic with pictures of 7 school board members and a picture of the board office. The text reads "School board members day Friday, November 15.  Cheryl Armstrong, John Hedges, Heidi Larson, Ashli Overton, Dale Righter, Jacob Uphoff, Erika Weaver

Mattoon CUSD #2 would like to wish a happy School Board Members Day to our 7 board members: Cheryl, John, Heidi, Ashli, Dale, Jake, and Erika!

Our board members spend multiple hours each month on district work, attending meetings, and other responsibilities most will never hear or read about. They do not do this for a paycheck, but as volunteers, driven by their commitment to our community and its children.

We thank them for their service to the district, our students, and the Mattoon community.