Work on the tree mural in the cafeteria is once again underway! Last year, students in Mrs. Colombo’s 8th grade art class designed a collaborative art project for the MMS cafeteria. The plan was to paint a large tree on the wall and then have each student and staff member at MMS add their own thumbprint in rainbow colors. Each year, new students and staff would add their thumbprints to the tree.
Students began working on the mural and then the pandemic hit...and we all had to quarantine. When we returned to school, this year’s 8th grade art students helped complete some of the tree painting and the letters, but one key ingredient was still missing--all of our students! Today, almost a year later, most of us have returned to school, which means we are ready to get back to work on our tree. We can’t wait for everyone to add their thumbprints and to watch this tree start to blossom!