Madisyn Frank - MMS Golf
Green & Gold Day 2023
Fall Picture Day Schedule. MHS 8/29, Riddle 9/8, MMS 9/12, Williams 9/29, Franklin 9/29.
The updated 2023 Bus Stops can be found here: 👇
Save the date: MMS 7th & 8th-Grade Open House. 7th & 8th Grade Students: Thursday, August 17th  5:30-7:00 PM. Tour the school and meet teachers. This is an open house format. Location: MMS. Questions: Call the main office with questions
Mattoon Middle School Administrator Spotlight. "Having started my teaching and administrative career at MMS, I am excited to return and partner with the amazing faculty and staff to serve our incredible student leaders. Go Wildcats!" - Chad Arnold MMS Principal
MMS Discovery Day. Incoming 6th Graders: Meet teachers, tour the building, learn about DEN, find your locker, practice locker combinations. August 9th 10-11:30 AM. Guardians are welcome.
Building Administration Updates Comprehensive list of all building Principals, Assistant Principals, and Deans throughout the Mattoon CUSD #2 District. 2023-2024.
District Honors Retirees at Annual Breakfast
Now Hiring Coaches: Boys Basketball, Boys & Girls Coaches, Wrestling, Volleyball, Cheer, Basketball
Back to School Sports Physicals with Sarah Bush LIncoln
Free Volleyball Skills Sessions over the Summer
MMS Golfers You're Invited to Qualify for IESA Sectionals
MMS attends Lake Land  Career Fair
Your Time to Shine! Mattoon Middle School Announces Spring Picture Day on Friday, March 24, 2023
MMS Washington DC Trip
IAR Testing
MMS STEAM Spirit Wear