Track & Field registration is open through the end of the week! Registration is available to 4th and 5th-grade students at Riddle Elementary and Williams Elementary. All paperwork is due by the end of the day on Sunday, April 16th.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Register here: #YouthAthletics
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2 Track and Field Registration is now open to 4th and 4th grade students at Riddle and Williams
Jen Sledge from the Mattoon Post Office recently visited Ms. Kimery's Kindergarten class at Riddle Elementary! She read the kids "The Jolly Postman", showed them her uniform and mailbag, and played a game. The class has been meeting community helpers and learning more about their jobs.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Postal Worker Visit at RES
Postal Worker Visit at RES
Postal Worker Visit at RES
We hope everyone had a great Spring Break! We can't wait to welcome students back tomorrow (4/11).
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Welcomeback Students! Students Return from Spring Break April 11th
Riddle Elementary students have been busy learning how to build with clay. Students in every grade have an opportunity to work with clay. Pictured are students from Mr. Wheeler's fourth-grade class.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
RES Clay Class
Mattoon Police Officer Devin Patterson recently came to speak to the Kindergarten & K/1 Multiage students at Riddle Elementary as part of their community helpers unit. He taught the students about his job as an officer and introduced us to his K9 partner, Bane. Bane had some amazing tricks the students enjoyed! Thank you, Officer Patterson!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
MPD visits RES
The Riddle Elementary Student Lighthouse Team recently donated $854 worth of toys from an Amazon wishlist to the Peyton Manning Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. The team worked hard to establish their "why". Their goal was to "provide comfort to children in a hospital." They decided to host a Market Days event held in February. The team worked, on their own time, to create handmade items to sell. They set up their items on the Riddle stage to sell their items alongside the Junior Student Lighthouse Team, who helped to market the items for sale. These items, including pet rocks, hand-drawn posters, candy grams, paintings, jewelry, and more, brought in over a whopping $850! The team researched hospitals and chose to partner with Child Life in Indianapolis. The students called the hospital to find out how to best serve them. They were directed to an Amazon wishlist filled with a ton of toys and items for their patients. The team filled out purchase orders to place orders for their gifts. The students were able to donate 47 toys and items of need to the Peyton Manning Children's Hospital! The team would like to thank the Riddle Elementary School community for the generous donations made to their cause.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Riddle Lighthouse team donates money
Wishing you a happy Spring break!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
MCUSD2 Spring Break April 3rd-10th
The MHS Tech Leadership students have been collaborating with other teams throughout the district at Riddle, Williams, and MMS. Each tech team has collaborated on what is working well within each respective team, what they enjoy about their leadership opportunities, and areas that they would like to continue to grow.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
MHS Tech Students Collaborate with MMS, Riddle, and Williams
MHS Tech Students Collaborate with MMS, Riddle, and Williams
MHS Tech Students Collaborate with MMS, Riddle, and Williams
MHS Tech Students Collaborate with MMS, Riddle, and Williams
MHS Tech Students Collaborate with MMS, Riddle, and Williams
Chloe Ervin, Riddle Elementary School 5th-grade student, recently completed a Wildly Important Goal of writing a book for the Riddle Elementary School library! She authored the book, "Cats Around the World: A Guide to Five Amazing Breeds." During this process, Chloe followed an action plan to accomplish her goal and developed partnerships. A couple of the illustrations were beautifully drawn by her aunt and the book was published by Illinois Printing Services in Sullivan, Il, which donated their time and materials to help Chloe's goal become reality. After the book was published, Chloe presented Mrs. Muzzy, Riddle librarian, her autographed book. Chloe's book is now available for all students and staff to purchase while in the library! Congratulations Chloe!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Riddle Student Writes and Publishes her own book.
Riddle Student Writes and Publishes her own book.
Riddle Student Writes and Publishes her own book.
Students and families are invited to visit their student's elementary school during their open houses on Thursday, March 30th. Come see all of the ways your child is learning, leading, and growing in the classroom!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Riddle & Williams Elementary Open House
We are wishing the best of luck to our elementary school students who are testing this week and next!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
testing tips for success for IAR testing. Eat a nutritious breakfast, charge your chromebook, bring earbuds and headphones, and get a good night's sleep
Riddle Elementary 4th and 5th-grade students are invited to participate in the Illinois Readers Choice Program, the Bluestem Award. There are twenty nominated books, and this month students are able to vote for the book they believe should win the award. For each Bluestem book read, students answer questions about the book and are entered into a monthly drawing for free books. Pictured are the drawing winners for the month of February. Congrats to all our winners!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Riddle Bluestem Winners
Riddle and Williams Elementary schools recently took some students to Barnes and Noble to help select books for their libraries. Students qualified for the trip by reading 18 or more of the 20 nominated Bluestem titles for the year by mid-February. During the day they had a budget and located books they thought kindergarten through fifth-grade readers would enjoy. It was a great day and they can't wait to start reading all the new purchases! It was a day full of books, ice cream, and lots of laughs! This year 10 students from Williams and 8 students from Ridde were able to attend.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Check out some of our POP fundraiser prize winners from the week at Riddle Elementary! Remember there is still time to register and send messages over the weekend to be entered into the $250 Amazon gift card drawing on Monday! You can still earn the Golden Ticket prizes.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
POP RES Prize winners
POP RES Prize winners
POP RES Prize winners
POP RES Prize winners
​Riddle Elementary School is hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross on Monday, March 13 from 2:00 - 6:00 PM. The drive will take place in the school cafeteria. All blood types are needed.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Red Cross Blood Drive
Riddle Families- Riddle PTA needs your help to hit its goal! Register and enter at least 20 contacts on your personal donation page for a chance to win this COOL fridge stuffed with cash! #itspossiblewithpop #beawesome #empowerkids #stepitup #makeadifference
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Riddle PTA Fundraiser
Riddle Families- Check out the materials coming home with your student today on how you can help Riddle PTA! Make sure you register and enter 10 or more contacts to get in on the FUN! Step it UP! is launching thanks to our friends at POP! #itspossiblewithpop #beawesome #empowerkids #stepitup #makeadifference
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Riddle PTA Fundraiser
Riddle Families! Step it UP! Is about to launch thanks to our friends at POP! We’re empowering our kids to make a difference at our school. Plus they’ll earn some cool prizes! Look for more information to come home with your students from the Riddle PTA on Monday. Are you ready? #itspossiblewithpop #beawesome #empowerkids #stepitup #makeadifference
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Step it up Pop Fundraiser
Riddle students have completed their 2022-23 School Year Mural. The mural depicts a blend of two great artworks from history. The painting blends Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night with the woodblock print called Great Wave off Kanagawa made by Hokusai. The two paintings work together framing the town of Mattoon. The town of Mattoon is also bordered by a nice cornfield which transitions and flows into the Mattoon School District logo. Special thanks to all the students that helped on this project. The mural will be the centerpiece for the Riddle School Cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
RES art class painting
Diapers to Diplomas! MHS Senior Jason Skocy holds one of LIFT's littlest leaders, illustrating just how lucky we are to serve families and kiddos as they grow into the incredible young adults they are meant to be!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
diapers to diplomas at mcusd2
diapers to diplomas at mcusd2