Laura Bollan, Director of Healthy Communities at Sarah Bush Lincoln, visited Riddle Elementary PE classes on January 6th. She came to kick off the Healthy Heroes Challenge. The challenge for Riddle Elementary is to get more active. Students will be tracking their steps during PE and other times throughout the school day. If they achieve 27,280 miles by the end of April, they will earn a rock-climbing wall for the gym!
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
students with Laura Bollan
students with Laura Bollan
students with Laura Bollan
This mural project at Riddle Elementary School began this first semester of 2021 and finished up just before Christmas break. Students in grades fourth and fifth helped paint this mural. Pictured are the students that helped on this project and were available to be in the group picture. The concept came from talks between art teacher Mr. Niemerg and students in Mrs. Simpson's multiage class. The challenge thinking of the image concept came from trying to use these colorful, stylized fish while including a short text. We wanted less text in this mural but wanted it to connect to the teachings of, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey. Mrs. Simpson's students decided that "Be Authentic" was the perfect fit to simplify and combine the 7 habits.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
students with mural
students painting
students painting
students painting
Students in Miss Washburn's 4th grade class at Riddle have been learning about natural hazards. They learned about plate tectonics and practiced identifying the different plate boundaries that cause earthquakes. Students used clay to show how the Earth’s plates move! Additional pictures will be added on another post.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
students using clay
students using clay
students using clay
students using clay
Students in Miss Washburn's 4th grade class at Riddle have been learning about natural hazards. They learned about plate tectonics and practiced identifying the different plate boundaries that cause earthquakes. Students used clay to show how the Earth’s plates move! Additional pictures will be added on another post.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
students using clay
students using clay
students using clay
students using clay
Information from the PE Teachers about the Healthy Hero Challenge.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Healthy Hero Letter
Riddle Elementary is excited to partner with Douglas Hart Nature Center to revitalize our arboretum! We worked with Douglas Hart to receive a grant that will allow teachers and students to create new signs and new programs for the community to enjoy. Douglas Hart staff will provide training to ROE District 11 teachers on the national curriculum on using an outdoor classroom space. This is an important project for us all as former Riddle teachers Nancy Brachbill and Ron Ghere started the arboretum at Riddle and we want to see this wonderful asset continue for years to come! You can help support this partnership by donating at
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
project flyer
January Breakfast and Lunch Menu - You can also find the breakfast and lunch menu for each day under Dining in the app/website Menu.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
January Menu
During the last week of October, students in Kindergarten learned about planning, which is part of the engineering design process. All students listened to "I Need My Monster" by Amanda Noll, then designed a monster they would like to have under their bed, if they could choose. Mrs. Drake, STEAM instructor at RES, partnered with Jenny Mayhew to create their designs. Mrs. Mayhew created their monsters by using sublimation and sewing techniques. Each RES Kindergarten student received a pillow which had their very own design located on the front of it! This helped the Kindergarten students experience their creations becoming a finished product, which is a concept of STEAM. All of Kindergarten thanked Jenny for her participation in this project. Pictured are Mrs. Kimery's class with their pillows and Mrs. Drake.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
students with pillows
Riddle students and staff enjoyed showing off their Ugly Sweaters!
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Mr. Jennings with his students
Mrs. Kimery's class
Mrs. Black with students
Ms. Kat
Riddle student leaders are very excited to have completed their very first issue of the Riddle Reporter! Kole Rabe, Chloe Ervin, Addison Perkins, Annalie Wang and Rosemary Cook meet twice a week for a working lunch. These students designated their own roles within the newspaper (chief editor, photographer, interviewer, and habit highlighter) based on their interests and strengths. Even though they all have their own roles, they do a great job synergizing and giving helpful feedback to each other.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
highlighted habit
Rockin' Riddle Leader
Star Staff Member
5th Grade Band students from Riddle and Williams shared their talents during their Winter Concert on December 7th. Mr. Mann shared the following video from that evening.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Band students
band students
band students
You can support Riddle Elementary tonight by getting Domino's!
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Domino's flyer
Domino's flyer
Find your favorite ugly holiday sweater to wear on Friday, December 17th.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
ugly sweater flyer
Students with Riddle Elementary School's Kindness Cafe are collecting donations for the Coles County Animal Shelter. There is a competition to see which grade level can bring in the most items. Community members can also send donations with students or drop them off at the school. Donations are being accepted from December 1st - 15th. Please check out the student created posters and video.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Riddle Elementary is excited to announce their December Dress Up Days!
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Dress-Up Days poster
December Breakfast and Lunch Menu - You can also find the breakfast and lunch menu for each day under Dining in the app/website Menu.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
December Menu
Our school will be hosting a holiday shop on December 13th - December 17th. . Each child will have the opportunity to shop independently for gifts for their entire family.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
holiday shop sign
The Riddle PTA Lightworks Scavenger Hunt Raffle winner was Kaylynn Rollinson from Mrs. Ghere's class. Congratulations Kaylynn!
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
Kaylynn with gift basket
Kaylynn with gift basket
Here are some additional photos from Riddle students at the Lightworks Walk Thru at Peterson Park.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
student and family with sign
student and family with sign
student with sign
students with sign
Students from Riddle enjoyed the Lightworks Walk Thru at Peterson Park on Thursday, November 18th. Each child received a scavenger hunt from their teacher to complete as a family. Families were also encouraged to find the Riddle Holiday sign near the Peterson House and take a photo.
over 2 years ago, MCUSD2
student with santa
students with lights
student with sign
students with sign