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Cristina Cherry
Title 1 Paraprofessional
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Kimberly Christensen
Grade 8 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Tina Chronic
Elementary Supervisor
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Nathanael Clapp
Social Science Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Jamie Clark
Grade 6 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Stephanie Clevenger
Grade 6 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Megan Cole
Grade 6 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jordan Coleman
Social Worker
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Lori Collings
Birth to 3 Paraprofessional
(217) 238-8900
Daniel Compton
HVAC & Clean Energy Facilitator
(217) 238-8900
Johannah Compton
Kindergarten Teacher
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Danell Condron
Speech Pathologist
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Timothy Condron
District Staff
(217) 238-8850
Allie Conlon
Grade 3 Teacher
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Brenda Connour
Bus Aide
District Staff
Ashley Connour
Library Paraprofessional
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Rebecca Coon
Payroll Insurance Secretary
District Staff
(217) 238-8850
Kelly Copper
Head Custodian
(217) 238-7800
Jeana Craft
Building Inst Tech Coach
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Lori Craig
Classroom Paraprofessional
Franklin Preschool
(217) 238-8800