Best wishes to the Mattoon High School boys golf team as they compete in the Craig Dixon Invite today and Saturday. Click on the following link from Coles County Sports to read more about the Invite. Forty teams are expected to compete.
A community remembrance of 9/11/2001 is set for 8:59 a.m. Sept. 11 at Peterson Park Pavilion.
Did you know????
Birth-3 Program is hosting a play group Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021.
Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 is hiring substitute teachers.
Click here to apply:
Orders are now being accepted (until Sept. 15, 2021) for Broadway Bolt and Mattoon Invitational T-shirts. Click the following link to place an order:
The Mattoon School District will be following Early Release Options defined in the letter in cooperation with the Coles County Health Department.
Here is the registration link for MHS Power Hour
Mattoon High School JROTC shared their newsletter.
Interested in participating in the 2021 Homecoming Parade? Here is the entry link:
This morning, K-5 Students are busy learning how to serve their schools and peers as Technology Leaders in our first Student Tech Team! In a great partnership designed to develop student leadership, MCUSD2 coaches are teaching facilitation skills and guidance while EIU staff trains the student leaders with specific technology content.
Student leaders are making a difference in Mattoon Schools! #everyonecanbealeader #everyonehasgenius #leaderinme
Franklin Preschool offers screenings
Click the link to make an appointment for the vaccination clinic:
Work is beginning on the site for the new building trades home. Mattoon High School students, under the supervision of Troy Haacke, will construct the home located in the Meadows Subdivision.
Did you know....?
Click the link to register for the Broadway Bolt 3 Mile Road Race and the free 1 mile fun run/walk
Isabel Speer of the Mattoon High School JROTC presents a check for $689 Saturday at the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life at Peterson Park. The funds were earned through a car wash the JROTC hosted last Saturday. The JROTC car wash was donations only. They thank all those who supported the car wash and thanked KC Summers for providing a facility for the car wash.
The Mattoon High School JROTC will present the flag during the opening ceremonies beginning at 4 p.m. today (8-21-21) at the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life at Peterson Park. The Mattoon High School Wavettes will perform at 5:30 p.m.
Construction at Mattoon High School started today (8-19-21). The project includes drainage improvements and upgrades to several sports facilities. We appreciate your patience while the work is in progress.
Did you know?