e-Learning Day. Franklin students need to: Parents will be sent a Google form each e-Learning day. To be marked as PRESENT for e-Learning, please complete the form by selecting at least 1 of the ideas listed that you will complete with your child by 11:59 p.m. on the given day. Teachers will email you the form in the morning with activities. Examples of past google forms: bit.ly/Franklin-Example-From. *links are case-sensitive, forms close at 11:59 pm
Riddle Elementary Teacher Selected To Join The Second Annual Scholastic Teacher Fellows Cohort
Each year, the Mattoon CUSD #2 School District and the Department of Early Childhood offer parents the opportunity to discover how their child is developing in the areas of speech, language, concepts, and motor skills. This is done through Preschool Round Up - free developmental screenings for 2 to 5-year-olds. Vision and hearing screenings are also provided, free of charge.  2024 screening dates will take place at Franklin Preschool: 1201 South 6th Street, Mattoon, IL 61938.   Wednesday, February 7th Wednesday, March 6th Wednesday, April 3rd For an appointment, please call Melinda Beals at 217-238-8800. Signed Parent/Guardian permission is required.
Wishing our students a wonderful Winter Break! Teachers will return on January 3rd and students will be welcomed back on January 4th. See you then!❄️⛄️
Jacob Uphoff
Franklin Preschool is having their Winter Family Night on Thursday, December 7th from 6:00-7:00 PM. Activities include:❄️ 📚🤶 Read-a-loud session with Mrs. Claus 📸🎅Photo shoot with Santa 🎄✂️ Christmas tree craft 🥕🦌 Reindeer food 🍪🎨 Sugar cookie decorating 🎁✨ Ornament making
December to Remember Franklin Preschool
Mattoon Foundation for Academic Excellence Family and Community Engagement Grant Recipients
Pictured is Sean Covey, the President of FranklinCovey Education greeting students at Riddle Elementary
Franklin Preschool Book Drive to support One Stop Community Christmas. November 1-November 30. Franklin Preschool 1201 S 6th st. Mattoon Il 61938. Bring in a NEW book to Franklin this month to donate to One Stope Community Christmas! Each book donated will earn you a raffle ticket to win a weekly prize
School Bus Safety Week
Student-Led Conferences October 19th & 20th. No School on Friday, October 20th. mcusd2.org/StudentLedConferences
Homecoming Week
Green & Gold Day 2023
Fall Picture Day Schedule. MHS 8/29, Riddle 9/8, MMS 9/12, Williams 9/29, Franklin 9/29. mcusd2.org/FallPictureDays23
The updated 2023 Bus Stops can be found here: 👇 mcusd2.org/BusStops23
Save the date: Franklin Open House. Franklin students: Thursday, August 17th from 6-7:30 PM. Tour the school, meet the teachers, and take a ride on a school bus! Location: Franklin Preschool. Questions: Call the main office with questions
Building Administration Updates Comprehensive list of all building Principals, Assistant Principals, and Deans throughout the Mattoon CUSD #2 District. 2023-2024. www.mattoon.k12.il.us