End-of-Semester Celebrations from the Leadership Pathway! 🎉 Picture 1: Shayla (Mattoon) and Jason (Mattoon) present at the Franklin Covey Education Global Kick-Off and assist in leading Sean Covey (President of Franklin Covey Education and author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens) throughout MCUSD#2 Picture 2: Jocelyn (Martinsville) and Lincoln Scott (Mattoon) travel to Humboldt TLC to share about the LIFT program, as well as Jocelyn's Capstone Presentation on The 7 Habits, The Speed of Trust, & Unconscious Bias Picture 3: Emma, (Stewardson-Strasburg) Dwight, (Mattoon) and Jason (Mattoon) present their Capstone Project to members of The Haven located in Mattoon. Students presented on The 7 Habits and Goal Setting Great work from all Leadership students this semester!
about 2 years ago, LIFT
LIFT Leadership Celebrations
LIFT Leadership Celebrations
LIFT Leadership Celebrations
Some of this semester's culinary students recently volunteered to help at the Coles County Council on Aging-LifeSpan Center Luncheon. They served food and drinks and even helped out with the cleanup afterward! They were happy to do something they were passionate about while serving others.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
LIFT Culinary serves in the community
Congratulations to the first-year Childcare students who ALL received certifications in CPR, First Aid Training, Shaken Baby Syndrome, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Mandated Reporting this semester. We are proud of all of you!
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Childcare Certifications
Regional Exploration Day is January 20th! Connect with your high school guidance counselor to sign up. Each pathway will feature different activities. If you're interested in Leadership, get ready for fun team-building activities like the Human Knot, Concentration, and creating a Leadership Coat of Arms! Watch for more fun activities from each of our pathways.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Leadership at Regional Exploration Day
Wishing you Happy Holidays from the Birth to 3 Program
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Happy Holidays from Birth to 3
Wishing you a safe and joyous Holiday season!
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Happy Holidays from LIFT
Another end-of-semester celebration at LIFT! Congrats to Alex for receiving his Food Handlers License! We are proud of you, along with the other students who passed the test! 👨‍🍳
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Alex Warf with his Food Handlers Liscense
Congratulations to Ean on obtaining his Fanuc certification! Ean successfully completed the Robotics I course at LIFT. After working through the modules and learning how to teach programs to the robot, Ean took and passed his Fanuc Robot Operator Level I written exam via NOCTI. He is the program's first factory-certified level I operator!
about 2 years ago, LIFT
HVAC program's first factory-certified level I operator!
Get ready! Winter Break starts Thursday, December 22 and students will not return to school until Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Teachers will return on Monday, January 2nd for Teachers Institute.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Winter Break Graphic
Check out photos from the Birth-3 play group for December! There were sensor tables, cookies, and an art project for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Claus even visited! The Birth-3 Program holds a family night each month, so be sure to join them in January for more fun.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Birth to 3 December Playgroup
Birth to 3 December Playgroup
Birth to 3 December Playgroup
Birth to 3 December Playgroup
Regional Exploration Day is coming up on January 20th! Connect with your high school guidance counselor to register today Each pathway will feature different activities. If you're interested in Communications, you can enjoy the opportunity to make a music video, host a game show, or test your teamwork in survivor games! Watch for more fun activities from each of our pathways.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
LIFT Communication at Regional Exploration Day
Birth to 3 and the Little Leaders Childcare Lab are teaming up with Franklin to hold a drive-through Christmas night for their students on Tuesday, December 8th. Santa will be visiting this Winter Wonderland. Mark your calendars.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Winter Wonderland with LIFT and Birth to 3 and Franklin
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving week! Reminder there is no school today (11/23), Thursday (11/24), or Friday (11/25). Enjoy your time off. We'll see you Monday!
about 2 years ago, LIFT
LIFT Thanksgiving week
LIFT students spent time with MMS students this week! They introduced their Leadership Portfolios to the MMS Advisory classes and assisted as they worked on their own portfolios! We love seeing MMS and LIFT students synergizing.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Birth-3 and Little Leaders held playgroup at LIFT this month. Families enjoyed singing, reading a story, and creating a thankful craft.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
birth to 3
birth to 3
Melissa M. Harden at Studio 21 came to teach a creative photography class in the Communication program this week. She taught them gels, monster lighting, prism, posing, angels, and a few business tips. We are so thankful to pair with local businesses to help our students learn. Thank you Melissa
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Early literacy is the foundation of the Birth-3 program and Little Leaders. Ronan made it clear he loves to be read to as well as reading to his mom and home visitor. Birth-3 is the place to be.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Baby at LIFT
We were happy to have the Consulate General of Canada in Chicago Aaron Annable visiting LIFT this past week. His role as the Consulate General is to further relations between his country and ours and he said he hopes to make many trips to visit communities such as ours to promote cooperation and friendship. Pictured from left to right in the first picture: Carolyn Cloyd, Consulate General Aaron Annable, Ed Dowd, Kyle Gill, Tim Condron, and McLain Schaefer.
about 2 years ago, LIFT
Canada visit
Canada guest
Canada guest
Canada Visit
Our students are invited to bring a Veteran to their session on Thursday, November 10th to enjoy treats, coffee, thank yous, and more. We will not have school on Friday, November 11 (Veterans Day)
about 2 years ago, LIFT
bring a vet
LIFT welcomes Effingham Unit #40 as a Partner School!
about 2 years ago, LIFT
LIFT welcomes Effingham