Williams Elementary School is proud to announce the celebration of our honored Veterans and their selfless service to our country. Their Veterans’ Day Ceremony will be held on Friday, November 8th, 2024 beginning at 9:00 AM. In addition to a menu of activities students might be working on in their classrooms during the week, students will have the opportunity to see and hear our Veterans recognized for their service. Students will also participate in singing to our Veterans and a building parade.
This year we are inviting Veterans that are related to, or friends of, Williams Elementary students, and ONE special guest to sign-up and attend our ceremony. This event will consist of musical performances by our Kindergarten through 5th-grade students and the Allegro Choir (combination of Williams and Riddle students). A special parade through the hallways of Williams and an honors brunch will conclude the event. This brunch is open to our veterans, their guest, and the student(s) who invited them to attend.
If you have a veteran that you would like to see recognized and/or will participate in our event, please complete This Form to sign them up. Even if you would prefer not to attend in person, please upload a photo of your veteran so that he or she may be recognized and celebrated throughout the day during our ceremony and on our district website following our ceremony. We ask that all photos be submitted by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 5th. If you have submitted your Veteran’s photo in the past, there is no need to resubmit.
We look forward to honoring a well deserved recognition of our Veterans! We owe you a debt we can never repay. Thank you for your service so that we remain free.