photo of a student with a backpack. The text reads "MCUSD #2 online registration open for the 2025-2026 School Year
Photo of a student reading a book at a book fair. The text reads "MCUSD #2 Williams Elementary Spring Title Night"
Read Across America Dr. Seuss Dress Up Days March 3-7, 2025. Franklin Preschool, Williams, and Riddle.  Monday: My Many Colored Monday in honor of “My Many Colored Days!” Wear as many colors as you can!  Tuesday: Terrific Hat Tuesday in honor of “The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins” Wear a fun hat!  Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday in honor of “Wacky Wednesday”   Dress Wacky!  Thing One and Thing Two Thursday in honor of “The Cat in the Hat”   Wear red and blue! **Franklin Not in Attendance**  Fun Sock Friday in honor of “Fox in Socks” Wear crazy socks! **Franklin Not in Attendance**
MCUSD #2 News | Branded in Green & Gold with Mattoon's logo
MCUSD #2 News
Green, blue, white, tan, and black graphic with a picture of a volleyball on a gym floor. There are two logos (Williams Elementary & Riddle Elementary) in the middle. The text reads "Elementary Volleyball. Registration ope through February 8. Get your sports physicals now!
green, tan, and white graphic with the mattoon cusd2 logo in the upper left hand corner. Text reads "MCDUSD #2 news"
green, tan and white graphic with a mattoon cusd2 logo in the upper left hand corner. The text reads "MCUSD #2 news"
Pictured from L to R. Vincent Walk, Brian Hinton, Committee Member of the fund, Jessica (Closson Peterson), a past recipient, April Drake, Rachel Schafer, and Kristen Bertrand, Program Officer, Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation. All photos were taken by Greg A. Cooper/EIU Journalism.
Christmas graphic with a mattoon cusd2 logo in the upper left hand corner. The text reads "Elementary winter concerts. December 5, 2024 Riddle 5th grade cancer 6pm res cafeteria, December 12, 2024 Williams 3rd grade concert 6pm Wes cafeteria. allegro choir concert 7pm Wes cafeteria. December 17,2 024 winter band concert 6pm res cafeteria
Please join us in counting down to the holiday season with December to Remember: fun dress up days and holiday activities taking place at Riddle Elementary School and Williams Elementary School. We look forward to seeing your school and holiday spirit this December to Remember! Below is the Schedule: Monday, December 2nd: Spirit of the Season - Wear your RED and GREEN to kickoff December! Tuesday, December 3rd: Holiday Sock Day - Get out your favorite holiday socks! Wednesday, December 4th: - Let it Snow: Bundle up in your favorite hat and scarf! Thursday, December 5th: - Holiday Brain Break: Give your brain a short holiday break! Friday, December 6th: - White Wonderland & Winter Blues: Hoping for snow! Dress in all white or blue.  Monday, December 9th: - Random Acts of Kindness: Find ways to spread kindness as a class or as an individual! Tuesday, December 10th: - Happy Holidays from the Family: Wear your favorite flannel for a fun family photo! Wednesday, December 11th: - Candy Cane Day: Wear red and white! Thursday, December 12th: - Team Santa or Team Grinch: Wear green for our favorite Whoville character or wear red for our friend from the North Pole! Friday, December 13th: - Polar Express Day: Just like the Polar Express, wear your favorite pajamas!  Monday, December 16th: - “Not a Creature Was Stirring”: Cover yourself in animal print or hide yourself in camouflage! Tuesday, December 17th: - Dress Like an Elf Day: Grab your Santa hats and elf ears! Wednesday, December 18th: - Holiday Vacation: Take a tropical mind trip! Think Hawaiian shirts and hula skirts! Thursday, December 19th: - Dashing Through the Snow: A favorite school tradition, the Reindeer Run! Friday, December 20th: - Ugly Sweater: Wear your favorite holiday sweater!
Green and white graphic with pictures of 7 school board members and a picture of the board office. The text reads "School board members day Friday, November 15.  Cheryl Armstrong, John Hedges, Heidi Larson, Ashli Overton, Dale Righter, Jacob Uphoff, Erika Weaver
photo shows a veteran in a wheelchair waving at students on both sides of him holding American flags. They are part of a veterans parade
Blue , green, white, and tan graphic with the mattoon cusd2 logo in the lower left hand corner and a logo of the state of illinois with text reading "Illinois State Board of Education" in the lower right hand corner. The Illinois Report Card logo is in the middle and there are pictures of four different schools at the top. The text reads "All Mattoon CUSD #2 Schools Earn commendable rating on Illinois School Report Card
veterans day ceremony
GRAPHIC THAT IS GREEN, white, and yellow with the mattoon cusd2 logo in the upper left hand corner. There is an image of a school bus with a child exiting from the front of the bus and two school staff members watching him get down safely from the bus. The text reads "School bus safety week october 21-24, 2024. Did you know? Approximately 2,000 kids ride the school bus in just Mattoon's school district. Help us keep them safe.
Green graphic with a gradient of white. Includes mattoon cusd2 logo and shows three kids in the center of the graphic. The one in the middle is holding a microphone. The text reads "Student-led conferences October 17 &18"
Graphic that has a basketball court and one young girl and one young boy dribbling basketball balls. The text reads: "Registration now open: Elementary Basketball. There is a Riddle Elementary School logo and a Williams Elementary school logo on the graphic as well.
Homecoming Spirit Week District Dress-Up days 9/23-9/27
mcusd #2 news