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Christina Hild
Director of Programming
District Staff
(217) 238-8850
Lena Hilgenberg
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Jenna Hilligoss
STEAM Teacher
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Herman Hilligoss
Bus Driver
District Staff
Melvin Himes
Classroom Paraprofessional
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Katie Hoene
Communications Specialist
District Staff
(217) 821-3480
Jeremy Hoenes
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Kelsey Hoenes
Grade 3 Teacher
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Tasha Hollingsworth
Building Inst Tech Coach
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Jayme Holt
Principal/Special Education Coordinator
Franklin Preschool
(217) 238-8800
Dawn Horath
Special Education (Self-contained Cross Cat)
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Jana Hortenstine
Speech Pathologist
Franklin Preschool
(217) 238-8800
Liam Hortenstine
Math Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Rhonda Hostetter
Elementary Supervisor
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Randall Hostetter
(217) 238-3800
Heidi House
8th Grade ELA Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Mary Hrezo
Classroom Paraprofessional
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Shad Huddleston
Communications Facilitator
(217) 238-8900
Emily Hudson
Math Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Taylor Huffman
Classroom Paraprofessional
(217) 238-8900