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Vincent Walk
Social Science Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Christy Wallace
Classroom Paraprofessional
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Morgan Warren
Classroom Paraprofessional
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Rachel Washburn
Grade 4 Teacher
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Nicole Waterman
Bus Aide
District Staff
James "Scott" Wattles
At-Risk Coordinator
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Sonja Wattles
PE Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Cheryl Wells
Bus Driver
District Staff
Aaron Wells
Head Custodian
(217) 238-5800
Mikayla Welsh
Speech Pathologist
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Laura Welton
Speech Pathologist
Franklin Preschool
(217) 238-8800
Kevin Wente
Head Custodian
(217) 238-2800
Eric Wescher
Grad Assistant
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Laura Westcott
Classroom Paraprofessional (ED)
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Lori Westra
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Haleigh Wetzel
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Timothy Wheeler
Grade 4 Teacher
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Melissa Wheeler
Grade 7 Teacher
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Katie Williamson
Birth to 3 Paraprofessional
(217) 238-8900
Veronika Wilson
Special Education Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800