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Tracy Thornton
Title 1 Paraprofessional
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Tammy Tippit
Special Education Teacher
Franklin Preschool
(217) 238-8800
Amanda Titus
Preschool Teacher
Franklin Preschool
(217) 238-8800
Lyle Titus
(217) 238-3800
Misty Tomer
Elementary Supervisor
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Riley Trotter
Title 1 Paraprofessional
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Spanish Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Teresa Truesdale
Kindergarten Teacher
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Brandy Trussell
Assistant Principal
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Dalton Turner
Head Custodian
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Dalton Turner
(217) 238-5800
Linda Turner
Bus Driver
District Staff
Georgia Ueleke
Bus Aide
District Staff
Sarah Ueleke
Personal Paraprofessional
Riddle Elementary School
(217) 238-3800
Heather Uppencamp
Classroom Paraprofessional
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Carrie Veach
SEL Coach
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Gail Vieth
Special Education Teacher
Mattoon High School
(217) 238-7800
Claire Vogel
Building Instr Tech Coach
Mattoon Middle School
(217) 238-5800
Anne Wagner
Williams Elementary School
(217) 238-2800
Rhonda Walk
Bus Aide
District Staff